Saturday, December 23, 2017

Add Faith, Stir in Trust and Sprinkle with Patience

After applying for several positions within a company, I finally got a promotion and a substantial pay increase. Before signing the job offer, I started to imagine all the potential struggles I would have to encounter.  Could I manage the new responsibly?  Did I ask for enough money to compensate the tax increase? 

I sabotaged my own happiness! 

This year has continuously brought this character flaw to my attention.  As I begin making my writing career a personal priority, dissecting my history and relationship with money, and raising three little girls; I've had to learn how to live in the present and bask in my successes without contemplating imaginary disasters.   

If I've had enough mental courage to make it this far, why wouldn't I have enough intelligence and gumption to take my life, my family, and my career to the next level? 

The ups and downs, the twists and quick roundabouts of 2017, have opened my eyes to areas of sweeping personal, physical and spiritual improvement. 

Now I add faith, stir in trust and sprinkle it all with patience. 


I needed to increase my Faith in the physical, emotional and spiritual support systems presently available to me. 

The simple fact of my existence is all the proof required to honor the majesty of my life's purpose.  

If I weren't meant to be here, I wouldn't be.  Now, I just need to have faith and believe in my goals and make every day a living and breathing testimonial of my gratitude for having the ability to share my talents with the world.  

The creator wouldn't give me a dream if I couldn't accomplish it!  Increasing my faith gives me space to relax and create.  The rest is being worked out on my behalf.  So why worry? 

With faith, I'm attracting all the physical and emotional support I need in the here and now. So all bases are covered. I just have to do my work and become the person I was destined to be. 


I needed to trust my talent. I had to believe in my ability as a writer.  I was procrastinating making excuses to why I didn't have time to write, why I couldn't write on a daily basis and why I had to stay in a career so misaligned with my purpose; my life was a lackluster empty shell. I was living for the weekend. Then hated to see Monday morning. 

Trusting the process of manifestation is needed in creating new beginnings.  

I've always had the personal deposition of persistence and perseverance when it came to handling problems and conflicts. Now, trusting in those same personal characteristics would be the key to manifesting all my dreams.  Then creating a life of endless possibilities. 


This journey has been a test of my patience!  When things haven't happened as quickly as I'd hoped, it grew my patience. Certain times for a variety of reason, I couldn't do anything but wait!  During incubation periods, I nurtured other talents, doing remedial studies of my life, making sure I would be ready for my new existence.  

Patience kindles the gentle energies of gratitude.  

Practicing patience makes me grateful for what I already have.  Patience develops my emotional stamina, making me internally invincible to external distractions. Now in every task, I sprinkle patience, becoming fully present to all life has to offer. 

Slowly simmering or being brought to a raging boil, the added ingredients of Faith, Trust and Patience makes this life savor with the sweet smells of success. 

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