Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Do a MiMi! Take it up an Octave!

Once again going to the continent of Africa, gave me yet another physical and spiritual reminder - 

Life is meant to be enjoyed, not tolerated!

True Life Teachers of Ghana 
My stay in Ghana was short, yet once again it was magical! From the rest and relaxation of a four-star hotel to squatting behind a shanty cabin, I saw what living was truly meant to be! 

  It's time to live in our purpose, talents and colorfully bring all passions to the forefront.

Often times we let FEAR of the unknown put us in a box! We sike ourselves out into believing we're satisfied with surviving through the status quo.

Surviving a job, living check to check...

Surviving with taking high blood pressure medication...

Surviving with maintaining sub-par love relationships...

Surviving with never having the time or finances available to travel...

Surviving with just enough...

What's wrong with wanting to THRIVE?!

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Happiness is obtainable!

Before 2017  approaches its final hours, rediscover who you are.

Do a MiMi and take it up an Octave!  
Live your best life NOW!  The only thing in your way is YOU!  We have everything we need to be our own personal kind of GREAT! Don't let FEAR and people drown in their own lackluster abyss, deter you from your dreams.

Surround yourself with a new tribe.  A tribe of people with the same fire and passion for living you want to have!  If you can't find a tribe, then create one!  Get out of your comfort zone...make new friends and go to places you wouldn't normally frequent.

New experiences jolts self-evaluation!

Creating new experiences puts us in new life situations and makes us cultivates new talents and then in turn, we appreciate the different talents and strengths of others.  New people intrinsically make us bring our "A" game taking us out of our self-evolved world of perpetual comfortableness. 

When you get too comfortable, what happens?  

You go to sleep!  

Why sleep through life?!

Do a MiMi and take it up an Octave! Live Out Loud!   

No Mariah Carey, but I'm uncomfortable - ready to thrive 😅

Making yourself a little uncomfortable will create something worth LIVING! 

Want to save in GOLD?  Let's connect,   #IGotBars

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