Thursday, September 22, 2016

Friends...How many of us have them?

I know this was supposed to be a weekly blog, but I must be inspired to share particular parts of myself.  So today at this very moment, I'm moved. 

Life has its way of telling us exactly where to go, how to get there and whom to take along the journey.

In order to receive this guidance, we have to listen and understand all the signs life gives us. First, we must clear out clutter.  This clutter definitely can be old possessions, but I'm speaking of people and certain personal connections. With every new growth or change in my life, the personal scenery has changed. The places I once visited, the people I spent the most time with, all changed at the same speed of my maturation and personal growth.  People called me crazy (still do), said I had emotional problems and some just flat out lied because they didn’t know why I had shut them out of my life.  Retrospectively, I could have communicated my feelings better, but at the time I had to concentrate on myself and the well-being of my household.  

My life is still continuously changing. During this mercury retrograde, it's been emotional to say the least. So many emotional and personal issues have resurfaced.  I miss Ghana and Kwesi.  I long for my career's passion, the abandonment issues of being a fatherless daughter…the list goes on and on. Even though all these things are whirling in my psyche right now, I feel supported.  I’m supported because I have a strong circle of friends around me.

We all have friends and connect with people on some level, but I'm referring to those ride or die friends.  The friends, no matter what's going on, will be there for you. The friends who encourage you to achieve your next life accomplishment.  These friends tell you when your breath stinks or when you're musky!  The friend that snap right back, when you’re tripping and being a complete A-hole. These friends hold a mirror up to your BS!   

I have three of those friends: one I chose to marry, the second I've shared an on again, off again, friend, enemy, road dog and now we back together sister-friendship with for over thirty years, and then my big brother. My oldest brother is my own personal cheerleader.  We haven’t lived in the same city for over twenty years, but he’s always one phone call, text, or email away.  

These three people help me through all life struggles and celebrate the successes.  When I'm uncertain of my next career move or when I’m in a funky mood, we'll sit and talk about some of the most mundane and irrelevant true facts of life sh@*, just for giggles.   Later, they encourage me to continue to write in any capacity, because they believe in my talent.  Encouraging life connections push us along our personal journeys.  All the while helping us listen and observe our behaviors through their eyes, giving us a different perspective during this ongoing, learning process.

Life is gradually speeding up and it's so counter-productive to just “Free Willy Styling” day to day. We don’t have time! Today is the time to start living the life you want; with who want, where you want!  

I believe we need to do a personal inventory of our friendships.  If you want a successful career - are your friends professionally successful?  You want a loving, mutually positive long-term relationship with a partner of your dream, but every friend in your circle is single and bitter. So where are you going to learn the skills necessary to achieve success in business and love?  More than likely and more than probably, nowhere!  We are reflections of the company we keep!

I've disassociated myself with a few acquaintances over the years and it's been for the better. Some have joined me again at different stages of my journey and the reemergence has only enhanced our bond and connect. Disconnecting gave us the opportunity of learning and growing, separately.  Once we met up again, we could both give different perspectives of the relationship. Sometimes separation is a need for healing and growth to begin.

We have to evaluate all friendships regardless of the overly glorified "history" we have with someone.

Evaluate your connections and friendships:
  • How do you feel once you leave an interaction?  Do you feel revived or depleted?
  • Is the friendship one-sided?  You're sharing more personal information or sharing greater truths about yourself than the other person. 
  • Are your friends genuinely supportive and happy when you succeed in your professional or personal life?
Just observe and allow people to perform for you.  Rest assured, you’ll surely see their true character. 

I could make these changes and strides in my life alone, but I love the comfort, support, and motivation from my true friends.  I have them when I need to complain about my day, when I need help on making uncertain decisions and most importantly to share all the joys of my life. Additionally, I'm always open and there for them, as well. 

To have real friends, be a real friend. 

I've had to work on my friendship and partnership skills.  So check yourself and also make sure you add to your friend's life.  If not, make some adjustments and be the kind of friend or partner you want.

Every new beginning starts with self!  

So I will continue to take deep, cleansing breaths, take care of my body and spirit, and push to the next level of my earthly existence.  All the while, my real friends will tell me when it's time to brush my teeth, and if need be, turn up the temperature on my Degree when I'm a little tart.  I hope you have or soon acquire the same!
Sienna Sunrise by D.Harmajon

Peace and Bliss, 

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