When the story takes unexpected turns, and the antagonists seem to have the upper hand; how does your character survive?
Right after graduating high school, I was all set (so I thought) to start my new life story as a college freshman at an all-girls college outside of Atlanta. Shortly after arriving at the campus, an open-handed, five finger slap landed furiously across my face!
My cup may not have runneth over with wisdom, but attending school while living at home for a year gave me a better perspective of my intellectual talents, while I learned the rules and regulations of tackling college courses with successful ease. With all this new knowledge, I was able to attend college, away from home, making the President's List several times, without having a nervous breakdown or over indulging in destructive vices.

Welcome the Plot Twist, then create your best life's story! Turn with the twist and await for the Climax!
Enjoy the Plot Twists of life! As the pages of life's story turn, the Plot Twists are life's signals of a forthcoming Climax.

Plot Twist!
I had an outstanding balance of over a several thousand dollars. My scholarship and financial aid left me a lovely, expensive gift!
So my college journey didn't start it that fall. I went back home and started at the local university. Nevertheless, it was still a magical experience. I got my first real job, met some life-long friends, and made more mistakes (plot twist) while creating unforgettable memories.
Now in hindsight, I wasn't mature enough to attend college just thirty minutes away from a major metropolitan city. Instead, I would journey off to college, approximately a year and a half later.

My Plot Twist of returning home was only preparing me for a more significant learning experience. It may not have been notably smoother (plot twist, after plot twist), yet my resilience flourished.
Life's unexpected circumstances or Plot Twists develops critical thinking skills. With each twist, new roads are created, bringing a magnitude of lessons and welcomed companions to share them!

Welcome the Plot Twist, then create your best life's story! Turn with the twist and await for the Climax!
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