Once upon a time...
There lived a Natural Woman. She had a lovely spirit and was immensely attractive. Men waited for her to pass in the market, just so to see her smile and interact with the shop keepers. The town admired her beauty, yet feared her murderous wrath. This Natural Woman was also an assassin.

This Natural Woman, killed with her tongue. Her words could be sweet like the honey, then if angered she would spit venom. This woman loved humanity, yet she was equipped to kill at a moments notice if her sensibilities were threatened. Many men took chances in loving her. The Natural Woman welcomed some of their advances, yet they all failed.
Then the Natural Man come to town. His complexion was like the starless night and smoother than the richest dark chocolate. This Natural man walked into town with the power to love any woman he pleased. He came from a land where he was always accepted and never had to fight or legitimize his existence.
The calm and wise Natural Man was intrigued by the Natural Woman's beauty, yet after witnessing her venomous destruction, he was dumbfounded. He was astonished. Why did a Natural Woman, blessed with such beauty, annihilate with such venomous words and a piercing glances.

The Natural Man began to court the enchanting Natural Woman. Now, the Natural Woman was attracted to the Natural Man. Nonetheless, she held her abilities close. She was ready to kill, if this Natural Man ever became a threat to her perceived happiness.
Time went on...the Natural Woman would spit her venom at The Natural Man when she felt threaten, but the Natural Man was never injured. He would catch her venom in his month, and quietly walk into the fields. After some time, he would come back and smile at his Natural Woman and whisper, "My love for you is unyielding."
Each time the Natural Woman would hear these words, she would feel regret for trying to offend her Natural Man.
She began to think why this Natural Man could take so much of her venom and never perish. So likewise, she began to watch him.
He would react to every life experience with a smile and a kind response. Her Natural Man was strong and kind. If someone wronged him, the Natural Man would stand tall and would make his opponent hide their face in shame. The Natural Woman held these lessons close.
One day the Natural Man forgot to bring the Natural Woman his regular gift of purple roses. The Natural Man was ready
to take the venom which awaited him. The Natural Woman slowly turned to the Natural Man. She opened her mouth and sweet words of gratitude poured into the Natural Man's ears. She did not have venom for him. Her words brushed the Natural Man's ears like satin clouds.
The Natural Man began to cry. The Natural Woman wiped his tears and said, " You have shown me true love. Your love has finally helped me control my powers. I'm eternally grateful to you. I hated how the towns people feared me. That's why I was so charming and nice to them. Some would take advantage of my kindness and abuse me. Their insolence triggered my venom. I had no control over it. Now because the love of a Natural Man, I now come into a better understanding of myself."
The Natural man responded, "Yes my love. I learned it was how you guarded your heart. I had to learn to penetrate your cognizance, then your heart would be free."
The Natural Woman covered her face and tears leaked behind her hands. "But I could have killed you. How did you survive my venom?"
Her beloved Natural Man replied , "My Princess, I held the venom in my mouth, then sprayed it over the soil to eradicate the vermin around your purple rose garden. Your venom protects your roses and let's them grow without molestation. When used suitably, venom protects the beautiful things of this life."
The Natural Woman began to use her venom to protect the town people from invaders and external assaults. Her community loved her and all fear dissipated.
The Natural Man continued to love and learn his Natural Woman. Together, they continued to protect and cultivate the beautiful things of this life.
It's Never The End, Just another Beginning...
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