So twelve hours later, I slowly dragged my feet back into the house.
No hugs please! No parental request! Just take a shower! Clean up whatever you messed up and get in the bed - NOW!
To ease my mind, I started to scroll my social media news feed and then it happened! The Food Therapy Project got me!
Song: Kwabs - Wrong or Right
The Food Therapist himself, Maurizio, was dancing and feeling with the frequency! He seemed to be free, no cares in the world. Just releasing and moving with the beat! He was feeling every movement. As I watched him, I begin to smile. I wasn't surprised as I begun to dance along with him. I forgot I was tired. My feelings of stress vanished. I wasn't irritable. I was dancing, laughing, vibing and feeling the frequency of the beats.
I was now actually enthusiastic! Open mouthed laughing, clapping hands, snapping fingers, gyrating - swinging hips and all!

Sounds and frequency have a profound effect on mood and mental health. Now I can't even tell you the name of the song, but I know upbeat music and drums usually make me want to move and any body movement relieves stress from the body.
This will be a two-part blog. In a couple of days, I will really break down frequency, and the frequencies that can guide us through emotional healing and spiritual awaken.
But for today and tonight, just vibe and release all your cares! Turn on some music, stop whatever you're doing, stop stressing, and feel the frequency and move! Or just dance along with The Food Therapy Project! I know I will!!
For more information on The Food Therapy Project and plant-based nutrition consultations and coaching, please connect on Facebook or contact him at maurizio2maci@yahoo.com.
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