In the Western culture being alone is encouraged. Handling problems alone and other life difficulties on your own is seen as empowering. Needing help or being vulnerable in this society is seen as being weak. This mentality is a problem!
This mentality causes a gross disconnect of spirit and likewise, many never succeed at minimal life goals. While others never even begin to develop their talents and pursue any life goals.
We must connect in order to complete our divine purpose.
So yes, I agree! I am needy! I can allow myself to feel vulnerable!
I need connection. I need the connection in order to grow a deeper consciousness of myself and the world around me.
And the greatest connection is in the relationship of two spirits coming together in a loving partnership.
People may see this as a weakness of mine, but let me express it in my own terms. My neediness does not dictate my happiness. I need the connection of all things to truly experience this human reality.
Living a life of perpetual, spiritual solitude was never in the plan.
So here are my expressions for my need of connection:
I was told, "you had needy tendencies."
Yet his need to have me in his presence at any given moment was very apparent.
Though he needed me now, in this moment, I was the needy one longing for him in my moments.
I was needy because I wanted to connect with another human being.
I wanted to connect and share various life experiences, not just independent moments, depending on his moods.
Not just the connection of fleshy appendages, but the connection of spiritual languages.
Connection to the source of another's being.
So I'll be needy - if that's even the correct term to justify his sentiments of continuing his personal disconnect.
I'm universal, so I want to return to the source.
I want to remember from which I ascended.
I came into this reality because of love, so yes I feel the need to return to that love and continue its manifestation.
Why is this an issue? Why is this seen as a weakness?
I have no desire to devalue anyone, nor do I have the desire to control one's habits and the way they maneuver.
This divine feminine only will nurture and increase any positive energies and assist in diminishing all negative barriers, blocking goals of harmony and peace.
So yes, I'm needy!
I need to connect to his lower energies and then guide them up along his spine, with a circular motion building it's intensity around his navel, pushing his authority and strength up and around to his spine, so he can begin to visualize the life he is destined to lead.
With gentle ease, I connect with this same penetrating energy and move it to his heart, so now he can release any hurt through each breathy word of his past.
I'll inhale every word, then turn his hurt into an enduring power to manifest our combined dream into a miraculous reality.
Then connecting back to his heart and spinning this new, red light into his all knowing third understanding.
Yes, I'm needy.
I still need to raise this vibration into his soul center, the brain. Gliding through his left and right hemispheres, not missing any cortex, so this imbalanced human vortex will no longer be a generational hex on his existence.
Then realizing I have connected with his higher self, then he feels the need, the desire, the aspiration for and of me.
The need to connect over, and over again until our existence in this reality comes to a blissful end...
I need it.
We all have this need. Some may not have the spiritual fortitude and maturity to communicate this, but it's there.
Until next time...Connect with Communication!