Friday, September 18, 2015

Relating and Relationships - Learn, Love and Lead

Let's express relating and build relationships.   To have a family we must learn to relate and build relationships.  First, we must have relate and build relationships with ourselves.

Moving along through life and never taking a self-inventory will produce a life of misery and regret.

I take a self-inventory every month.  What am I doing to progress towards my goals?  What kind of children am I raising?  Am I happy? Am I depressed?  Do I add positive purpose to the people in my life?

If any response is ,"no"... then I need to critically think of a plan for change.

We must learn who we are.  We must love ourselves, then we must lead our lives to accomplish our personal dreams.


Learn yourself.  We go to school to educate ourselves. We soak up everything about match and science, but if asked, what is our favorite color, we don't know!  What do you like? What can you do with ease?  What are some traits you want in a equal male or female counterpart? Why have my past relationships failed..what was my contribution to their demise?  Ask the important questions. 

We have bachelors, masters, specialist degrees and even PhD's, but we are flunking Self 101. 

Get to know yourself!  I literally sat down for 10 months during my last pregnancy, and learned Carrice.  Why this, why that.. what I like and what I can't stand.  I did research on Carrice.  Now, I know myself.  What I want and how I'm going about getting it! I can truly say, I love myself.  I may have some moments, but I allow myself to be human. 

A very close male friend told me once, during a self-doubt moment, "Carrice you must love yourself, all of you!  Your body, all of it!  Your body, your hair, your face, your nose, your stomach - you've had three children!  God made you this way for a purpose, so love it and be appreciative!  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL CARRICE!"  (he speaks very loud, like he swallowed a microphone, the reason for the CAPS)

He was right - I am BEAUTIFUL!  LOL!

Learn who you are then build in love with yourself - the good, the bad and the ugly. 


Once we figure out who we are - LOVE it!  Love yourself. Beyonce has a song Flaws and All, before anyone will love us, we must love ourselves, Flaws and All.  Since we took the time to learn what our personal pluses and minuses are, now we can embrace every part of ourselves. 

Release judgement of ourselves, and accept everything.  

The things we don't like, improve on them.  But stop judging ourselves!  If we stop judging ourselves, then eventually we'll stop judging others.  We'll have control over ourselves and wouldn't even care to judge and control others.  We can then live our lives and lead ourselves to greatness!


Lead your life and create your dreams!  We now know who we are, we accept and love every part of ourselves, now it's time to lead ourselves in creating the life we want.  So many of us are living for everyone else. We never want to "rock the boat" and be different.  Actually that's what this "LIFE" experience is all about. 

Create your own personal experience and LEAD the way!  

Develop and cultivate what you do with ease and then live in that PURPOSE. Create for ourselves. Work for ourselves. Live our life.  People may not be responsive to the changes at first, but if we are diligent in our purpose; they will respect the changes. 

Learn, Love and Lead ourselves to the life and love we want. Nothing comes without work. A beautiful face and hard muscles will fade over time. However, a beautiful-strong mind and spirit will be everlasting.  

Relating to ourselves in a more positive manner will build better loving relationships. Productive relationships equals Productive Families. 



  1. Great blog, Carrice! I totally agree that we MUST get to know ourselves and love ourselves first before we can offer love to anyone else. I think knowing yourself also boosts self-confidence. I'm proud of the work you're doing and the life you're leading.


    1. Thank you so much, Tav! Yes learning and loving yourself is the foundation of all growth - personal and professional. Please share with friends and family.

