Each connection leads us to another destination.
I'm developing my capacity of listening and observing. I tell my daughters, all the time, "sometimes if you just sit and listen you may learn something! " Majority of our mother-daughter talks turns into my daughters prematurely trying to defend themselves and their actions. They always have an explanation or excuse. Many of us are maneuvering through life's interactions just like my teenage daughters - We're ever ready for the rebuttal!
Day 45 - #100in100 Listen
As the saying goes, "Trust the person who is always learning, never trust the person who has already learned everything. " - Unknown
Many times we think we've made it! We feel like we have reached a certain height of success and some may be "beneath us." We get fooled by material possessions or social status. Fame and trinkets supply simple moments of gratification, but wisdom is our lifetime security blanket.
Each connection leads us to another destination.
Often, a rebuttal isn't warranted. Just listen! Be open to constructive feedback. Listen! Perhaps something will enter your ear canal, beat on your eardrum, then spark several synapses to create new and wonderful learning experiences. Acquiring new information never stunted anyone's growth!
Each connection leads us to another destination.
One of my mentors offered the advice of making 100 videos in 100 days. I listened, and the experience has broadened my voice thus attracting marvelous personal and business partnerships. Because I could listen and always stay coach-able; my creativity has opened to yet another communication channel and my overall confidence has taken flight.
All videos are available on my YouTube Channel and Facebook.
Day 45 - #100in100 Listen
As the saying goes, "Trust the person who is always learning, never trust the person who has already learned everything. " - Unknown